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Faculty Profile

Roy CHUA's photo


Full-time Faculty
Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources; Associate Dean, Post-Experience Postgraduate Programmes
Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB

Profile page - Institutional Knowledge (InK) at Singapore Management University 
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Ph.D., Management (Organizational Behavior)
Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York
M.A., Philosophy
Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York
B.Sc., First Class Honors, Computer and Information Services
National University of Singapore

Current Appointment(s)

2024 - Now Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
2014 - 2023 Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
2008 - 2014
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Harvard Business School, Harvard University

Awards, Recognition and Honors

  • Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal, 2017
  • Mind Opener” Award (MBA): award for opening the class to new ideas and mindsets, 2016
  • Best Core Professor, 2015-16
  • Appreciation in Years to Come Award, 2015-16
  • 2013 Best Paper Award - Academy of Management Journal, 2014
  • Best Reviewer Award, Management and Organization Review, 2012
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Trust Research, 2011
  • Article as one of top 5 articles in international human resources (HR) for 2009 by International HR Scholarly Research Award committee, Human Resources Division, Academy of Management, 2009
  • Columbia University's Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Doctoral Research Grant, 2007
  • Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, Management Division Doctoral Student Research Grant, 2005
  • Merriwether Fellowship for academic excellence and progress in the Ph.D program, 2005
  • Donald C. Hambrick Award for excellence in the Ph.D. program, Columbia Business School, 2005
  • Asia Life Gold Medal for excellent academic achievements, National University of Singapore, 1997
  • Senior Tutor Scholarship - Nanyang Technological University, 2003
  • PSA Corp Undergraduate Scholarship, 1994

Research Interests

  • Creativity
  • Trust
  • Leadership
  • Culture
  • China

Selected Journal Articles (Refereed)

  • Chua, R.Y.J., *Zhao, N., *Han, M., (forthcoming) Cultural Tightness in Organizations: Investigating the Impact of Formal and Informal Cultural Tightness on Employee Creativity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
  • *Jin, M., & Chua, RY.J. (forthcoming) Which Idea to Pursue? Gender Differences in Novelty Avoidance During Creative Idea Selection. Organization Science.
  • Qin, X.; Chua, R.Y.J; Ling, T.; Chen, C. & Li W. (forthcoming). Gender bias in cultural tightness across the 50 U.S. states, its correlates and links to gender inequality in leadership and innovation. PNAS-Nexus, Vol 2 Issue 8, pg 238. 
  • Chua, R. Y.J, Lim, J.H., & Wiruchnipawan, F. (forthcoming) Unlocking the Creativity Potential of Dialectical Thinking: Field Investigations of the Comparative Effects of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 56(2), 258-273.
  • Chua, R. Y.J. & Jin, M. (2020). Across the great divides: Gender dynamics influence how intercultural conflict helps or hurts creative collaboration. Academy of Management Journal, 63(3): 903-934
  • Chua, R. Y.J., Huang, K., & Jin, M. (2019). Mapping cultural tightness and its links to innovation, urbanization, and happiness across 31 provinces in China. PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaView Details
  • Chua, R.Y.J. & Ng, K.Y. (2017). Not Just How Much You Know: Interactional Effect of Cultural Knowledge and Metacognition on Creativity in a Global Context. Management and Organization Review, 13(2): 281-300.
  • Chua R.Y.J. (2015). Innovating at cultural crossroads:  How multicultural social networks promote ideas flow and creativity. Journal of Management.
  • Chua R.Y.J., Roth, Y., & Lemoine, J. (2015). The impact of culture on creativity: How cultural tightness and cultural distance affect global innovation crowdsourcing workAdministrative Science Quarterly, 60, 189-227.  View Details
  • Chua R.Y.J. (2013). The costs of ambient cultural disharmony: Indirect intercultural conflicts in social environment undermine creativity. Academy of Management Journal  ,   56(6), 1545-1577. View Details
  • Chua R.Y.J. (2012). Building effective business relationships in China. MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(4). View Details
  • Chua, R.Y.J., Morris, M.W., & *Mor, S. (2012). Collaborating across cultures: Cultural metacognition and affect-based trust in creative collaboration. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118, 116-131. View Details
  • Cheng, C., Chua, R.Y.J., Morris, M.W., & Lee, L. (2012). Finding the right mix: How the composition of self-managing multicultural teams' cultural value orientation influences performance over time. Journal of Organizational Behavior,  33, 389-411. View Details
    [First two authors contributed equally]
  • Jiang, C., Chua, R.Y.J., Kotabe, M., & Murray, J. (2011). Effects of cultural ethnicity, firm size, and firm age on senior executives’ trust in their overseas business partners: Evidence from China. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(9), 1150-1173. View Details
    [Equal authorship among all authors]
  • Chua, R. Y.J. & Iyengar, S. (2011). Perceiving freedom givers: Effects of granting decision latitude on personality and leadership perceptions. The Leadership Quarterly, 22, 863-880. View Details
  • Chua, R. Y.J., Morris, M.W. & Ingram, P. (2010). Embeddedness and new idea discussion in professional networks: The mediating role of affect-based trust. Journal of Creative Behavior, 44(2), 85-104. View Details
  • Chua, R.Y.J., Morris, M.W., & Ingram, P. (2009). Guanxi versus networking: Distinctive configurations of affect- and cognition-based trust in the networks of Chinese and American managers. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(3), 480-508. View Details
  • Chua, R.Y.J., Ingram, P., & Morris, M.W. (2008)From the head and the heart: Locating cognition- and affect-based trust in managers’ professional networks. Academy of Management Journal, 51(3), 436-452. View Details
  • Chua, R.Y.J., & Iyengar, S. (2008). Creativity as a matter of choice: Prior experience and task instruction as boundary conditions for the positive effect of choice on creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 42(3), 164-180. View Details
    • Condensed version reprinted as “Creativity as a matter of choice: The positive effect of choice on creativity” in Rotman Magazine (2011).
  • Chua, R.Y.J., & Iyengar, S. (2006). Empowerment through choice?: A critical analysis of the effects of choice in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior. Staw, B. (Ed), 27, 41-79. View Details
  • Ng, K.Y., & Chua, R.Y.J. (2006). Do I contribute more when I trust more?: Differential effects of cognition- and affect-based trust. Management and Organization Review, 2(1), 43-66. View Details

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