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Faculty Profile

Timothy CLARK's photo

Timothy CLARK

Full-time Faculty

Provost; Professor

Lee Kong Chian School of Business


  • Heusinkveld, S., van Grinsven, M., Groß, C, Greatbatch, D. and Clark, T. (2021) The Flow of Management Ideas: Rethinking Management Audiences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wright, M., Ketchen Jr, D.J. and Clark, T. (2020) How to get published in the best management journals. Aldershot: Edward Elgar (2nd edn.).
  • Greatbatch, D. and Clark, T. (2018) Using Conversation Analysis for Business and Management Students. London: Sage.


  • Brammer, S. and Clark, T. (2020) “COVID‐19 and management education: Reflections on challenges, opportunities, and potential futures”, British Journal of Management, 31(3), 453-56.
  • Li, S., Clark, T. and Sillince, J. (2017) “Constructing a strategy on the creation of core competencies for African companies”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 204-213.
  • Li, S., Easterby-Smith, M., Lyles, M.A. and Clark, T. (2016) ‘Tapping the power of local knowledge: A local-global interactive perspective’, Journal of World Business, 51(4), 641-53.
  • Zolfaghari, N., Möllering, G., Clark, T. and Dietz, G. (2016) ‘How do we adopt multiple cultural identities? A multidimensional operationalization of the sources of culture’. European Management Journal, 34(2), 102-13.
  • Aldrich, P., Dietz, G., Clark, T. and Hamilton, P. (2015) ‘Establishing HR professionals’ credibility: Evidence from the capital markets and investment banking sector’, Human Resource Management, 54(1), 105–130.
  • Groß, C., Heusinkveld, S. and Clark, T. (2015) ‘The active audience? Gurus, management ideas and consumer variability’, British Journal of Management, 26(2), 273–291.
  • Bentley, R.A., Maddison, E.J, Ranner, P.H. et al. (2014) ‘Social tipping points and Earth systems dynamics’, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2(35), 1-7.
  • Clark, T., Wright, M. Iskoujina, Z. and Garnett, P. (2014) ‘The shifting nature of management research: A longitudinal analysis of the content of Journal of Management Studies 1964-2010’, Journal of Management Studies, 51(1), 19-37.
  • Clark, T., Wright, M. and Floyd, S (2013) ‘In search of the Impactful and the Interesting – the swings of the pendulum?’, Journal of Management Studies, 50(8), 1358-1373.
  • Cooren, F, Kuhn, T., Cornelissen, J.P. and Clark, T. (2011) ‘Communication, organizing and Organisation’, Organisation Studies, 32(9). 1149-1170.
  • Clark, T. and Greatbatch, D. (2011) ‘Audience perceptions of charismatic and non-charismatic oratory: The case of management gurus’.  The Leadership Quarterly, 22 (1), 22-32.

Research Areas and Areas of Expertise