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Faculty Profile

HUANG Dashan's photo

HUANG Dashan

Full-time Faculty

Associate Professor of Finance; PGR Coordinator, Finance

Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB


2013 Ph.D. in Finance, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
2007-2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo, Canada
2007 Ph.D. in Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
2004 M.A. in Management Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2002 B.S. in Mathematics, Lanzhou University, China

Current Position(s) Held

2021 - Now Associate Professor of Finance
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
2013 - 2021 Assistant Professor of Finance
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Awards, Recognition and Honors

  • CIRF/CFRI - Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Research Award, 2020
  • WRDS Best Paper Award at the 2018 AsianFA Annual Meeting
  • Best Paper Award at the 2014 International Conferene on Corporate Finance and Capital Market
  • Emerald Best Paper Award at the 2014 China Finance Review International Conference
  • Yihong Xia Best Paper Award at the 2012 China International Conference in Finance
  • Best Paper Award at the 5th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Chengdu, China, 2006

Research Interests

  • Asset Pricing
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning


  1. "Are Bond Returns Predictable with Real-Time Macro Data?" with Fuwei Jiang, Kunpeng Li, Guoshi Tong, and Guofu Zhou. Journal of Econometrics, accepted.
  2. "Shrinking Factor Dimension: A Reduced-Rank Approach" with Ai He, Jiaen Li, and Guofu Zhou. Management Science, accepted.
  3. "Presidential Economic Approval Rating and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns" with Zilin Chen, Zhi Da, and Liyao Wang. Journal of Financial Economics 147, 106-131, 2023.
  4. "Expected Return, Volume, and Mispricing" with Yufeng Han, Dayong Huang, and Guofu Zhou. Journal of Financial Economics 143, 1295-1315, 2022.
  5. "Scaled PCA: A New Approach to Dimension Reduction" with Fuwei Jiang, Kunpeng Li, Guoshi Tong, and Guofu Zhou. Management Science 68, 1678-1695, 2022.
  6. "Are Disagreements Agreeable? Evidence from Information Aggregation” with Jiangyuan Li and Liyao Wang, Journal of Financial Economics 141, 83-101, 2021.
  7. "Time-Series Momentum: Is it There?” with Jiangyuan Li, Liyao Wang, and Guofu Zhou, Journal of Financial Economics 135, 774-794, 2020.
  8. "Upper Bounds on Return Predictability" with Guofu Zhou, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 52, 401-425, 2017.
  9. "Investor Sentiment Aligned: A Powerful Predictor of Stock Returns" with Fuwei Jiang, Jun Tu,and Guofu Zhou. Review of Financial Studies 28, 791-837, 2015.

Research Advisor/ Co-research Advisor to

  • FAN Qi, PhD in Business (Finance)
  • WENG Xiaodong, (xdweng.2021[at], SMU-ZJU DBA(A&F)