Adeline CHONG Swee Ling
Full-time Faculty
Associate Professor of Law
Yong Pung How School of Law
- Ph.D, University of Nottingham, 2005
- LL.B. (First Class Honours), University of Birmingham, 2000
Academic Positions Held
Current Appointment:
- Associate Professor of Law, School of Law, Singapore Management University, Jan 2012- present
Previous Appointments:
- Assistant Professor of Law, School of Law, Singapore Management University, Nov 2007-Dec 2011
- Lecturer in Law, University of Nottingham, 2004-2007
Honours & Awards
- Lee Kong Chian Fellowship, SMU, 2015, 2023
- Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award, SMU, 2016, 2018 and 2020
- School of Law Research Excellence Award, SMU, 2013
- British Academy Overseas Conference Grant, 2006
- University of Nottingham Humanities Research Centre Overseas Conference Grant, 2006
- School of Law Research studentship, University of Nottingham, 2000-2003
- JF Gregg Memorial Prize, University of Birmingham, 2000
- Maudsley Prize, University of Birmingham, 1999
- Pettit Bursary, University of Birmingham, 1998
- University of Birmingham International Students Bursary, 1997-2000
Courses Taught in SMU
- Commercial Conflict of Laws
- Law of Equity and Trusts
Research Area
- Private International Law
- Equity and Trusts
- Restitution
Current Project
- Restitution in Private International Law (under contract with OUP)
Selected Publications
- Adeline Chong and Stefanie Schacherer, 'Extra-territorial Liability and Enforcement: Finding Ways to Tackle Haze Pollution in Southeast Asia' (forthcoming, special issue of Chinese Journal of Transnational Law) (invited contribution)
- Adeline Chong, '“Asian” Principles for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments? Singapore as a Case Study' (2024) 58 Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law 57-72 (invited contribution)
- Adeline Chong and Man Yip, Singapore Private International Law: Commercial Issues and Practice (Oxford, OUP, 2023) (544 pages)
- Adeline Chong, 'Characterisation and Choice of Law for Knowing Receipt' (2023) 72 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 147-177
- Adeline Chong and Jan Lüttringhaus 'Unjust(ified) Enrichment' in Paul Beaumont and Jayne Holliday (eds), Guide to Global Private International Law, Hart Studies in Private International Law, (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2022) 281-293 (invited contribution)
- Adeline Chong, 'Choice of Law for Formation of Contracts: Solomon Lew v Kaikhushru Shiavax Nargolwala' [2021] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 383-393
- Adeline Chong, 'Bridging the Common Law- Civil Law Divide? The Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and their Recognition' in Thomas John, Rishi Gulati and Ben Köhler (eds), Elgar Companion on the Hague Conference on Private International Law (Cheltenham, Elgar, 2020) 323-335 (invited contribution)
- Adeline Chong (ed), Asian Principles for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, ABLI Legal Convergence Series (Singapore, ABLI, 2020) (187 pages)
- Adeline Chong, 'General Principle' in Adeline Chong (ed), Asian Principles for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, ABLI Legal Convergence Series (Singapore, ABLI, 2020) 1-17
- Adeline Chong, 'Moving Towards Harmonisation in the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgment Rules in Asia' (2020) 16 Journal of Private International Law 31-68
- Adeline Chong and Man Yip, 'Singapore as a Centre for International Commercial Litigation: Party Autonomy to the Fore' (2019) 15 Journal of Private International Law 97-129
- Adeline Chong, 'Singapore: A Mix of Traditional and New Rules' in Mary Keyes (ed), Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law, Ius Comparatum- Global Studies in Comparative Law (Springer, 2019) 325-346
- Adeline Chong (ed), Recognition & Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Asia, ABLI Legal Convergence Series (Singapore, ABLI, 2017) (229 pages)
- Adeline Chong, 'Singapore' in Adeline Chong (ed), Recognition & Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Asia, ABLI Legal Convergence Series (Singapore, ABLI, 2017) 163-178
- Adeline Chong, 'Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Cross-Border Insolvencies' [2014] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 241-268