- "Quadratic Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization with Coherent Measures of Risk", by SUN J., Brian RODRIGUES and LIAO L., 2018, 168(1-2), Mathematical Programming, 599-613
- "A 3/2 - approximation algorithm for the multiple TSP with fixed number of depots", by Brian RODRIGUES and Z. XU, 2015, INFORMS Journal of Computing
- "An analysis of the extended Christofides heuristic for the k-depot Travelling Salesman Problem", by Brian RODRIGUES and Z XU, 2011, 39, 3, Operations Research Letters, 218-223
- "Pricing and inventory control for a perishable product", by Y. LI, A. LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES, 2009, 11, 3, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 538-542
- "Transportation procurement with seasonally-varying shipper demand and volume guarantees", by A. LIM, Brian RODRIGUES, and Z. XU, 2008 , 56 , 3, Operations Research, 758 - 772
- "Global sourcing using local content tariff rules", by Y. LI, A. LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES, 2007 , 39 , 5, IIE Transactions , 425-437
- "A local search using solution fragments for the 2-machine bi-criteria scheduling problem", by G. HUANG, A. LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES, 2007, 37, 2, Computational Optimization and Applications, 212-229
- "Manpower allocation with time windows and teaming constraints", by Y. LI, A. LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES, 2005, 55, 11, Naval Research Logistics, 1178 - 1186
- "A note on the optimal EOQ for announced price increases in the infinite horizon", by A. LIM and Brian RODRIGUES, 2005, 53, 4, Operations Research, 731-732
- "k-center problems with minimum coverage", by A. LIM, Brian RODRIGUES, F. WANG, and Z. XU, 2005 , 332 , 1-3, Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 1 -17
- "Meta-heuristics with local search for retail shelf allocation optimization", by A LIM, Brian RODRIGUES, and X. ZHANG, 2004, 50, 1, Management Science, 117 - 131
- "Port yard storage optimization", by P CHEN, Z. FU, and Brian RODRIGUES, 2004, 1, 1, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 26-38
- “The open mapping and closed range theorems” Brian RODRIGUES, SIMONS S, 1989, 283, Mathematische Annalen, 87 – 95
- "Conjugate functions and subdifferentials in non-normed situations for operators with complete graphs", by Simons S, and Brian RODRIGUES, 1988 , 12 , 10, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory and Applications and Methods, 1069 – 1078