Faculty Profile

CHEN Siyuan's photo

CHEN Siyuan

Full-time Faculty
Associate Professor of Law; Associate Dean (Student and Alumni Affairs); Director, Moots
Yong Pung How School of Law
  • LL.M., Harvard University, 2010
  • LL.B. (First Class Honours), National University of Singapore, 2007

Academic Positions Held

Current Appointment:

  • Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2018-Present
  • Associate Dean (Student and Alumni Affairs), Jul 2022-Present
  • Director, Moots, Sep 2020-Present
  • Chairperson, SMU Faculty Mooting Committee

Previous Appointment:

  • Assistant Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2010-Jun 2018
  • Lecturer of Law, Singapore Management University, 2009-Jun 2010
  • Adjunct Faculty, Singapore Management University, 2008-2009
  • Adjunct Faculty, National University of Singapore, 2008-2009

Other Positions

  • Justices' Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Singapore, 2007-2009
  • Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court of Singapore, 2008-2009
  • Member, Singapore Academy of Law, 2007-Present
  • Pupil, Drew & Napier LLC, 2007

Honours & Awards

  • Student Life Award, SMU, 2018
  • Lee Kong Chian Fellowship, SMU, 2015
  • Faculty Development Scheme, SMU, 2009-2010
  • International Clerkship, Gray's Inn, South Square (London, UK), 2007
  • International Clerkship, Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer (London, UK), 2007
  • Alona E. Evans Award, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Championships (Washington DC, USA), 2007  
  • Semi-finalist, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Championships (Washington DC, USA), 2007
  • Montrose Prize (Jurisprudence), National University of Singapore, 2007
  • Overall Dean's List, National University of Singapore, 2007
  • Dean's List, NUS, 2004-2007
  • Allen & Overy-Shook Lin & Bok Scholarship, NUS, 2005
  • Kwa Geok Choo Scholarship, NUS, 2004

Courses Taught in SMU

  • Evidence & Civil Procedure
  • International Moots I
  • International Moots II

Research Areas / Areas of Specialisation

  • Appellate Advocacy Skills (Moot Court)
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Evidence Law
  • Civil Procedure

Selected Publications

  1. “The Relationship between International Law and Domestic Law” (2011) 23(1) Singapore Academy of Law Journal, 350–366
  2. “A Preliminary Survey of the Right to Presumption of Innocence in Singapore” (2012) 7 LAWASIA Journal, 78–96
  3. “Redefining Relevancy and Exclusionary Discretion in Sir James Fitzjames Stephen’s Indian Evidence Act of 1872: The Singapore Experiment and Lessons for Other Indian Evidence Act Jurisdictions” (2014) 10(1) International Commentary on Evidence, 1–53
  4. “The Discretionary Death Penalty for Drug Couriers in Singapore: Four Challenges” (2016) 20(1) International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 49–71
  5. “Re-Assessing the Evidentiary Regime of the International Court of Justice: A Case for Codifying its Discretion to Exclude Evidence” (2016) 13(1) International Commentary on Evidence, 1–40
  6. “The Regulatory Framework for Aerial Imaging by Recreational Users of “Drones” in Singapore: Old and Emerging Issues and Some Possible Solutions” (2017) 29(1) Singapore Academy of Law Journal, 126–162
  7. “Disclosure in Criminal Proceedings: Developments and Issues Ahead” (2021) 34 Singapore Academy of Law Journal pp–pp TBC
  8. “Re-Aligning Legal Professional Privilege in Indian Evidence Act Jurisdictions with Modern Practice” (2022) 41 Civil Justice Quarterly, pp–pp TBC
  9. “Improperly Obtained Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: An Updated Framework” (2022) Singapore Academy of Law Practitioner (Crime) 2, 12 pp
  10. “Evidence and Criminal Procedure: Gradual Developments Towards Clarity in a Maze of Statutory Enactments” in Goh Yihan and Paul Tan (eds), Singapore Law: 50 Years in the Making
  11. “International Moot Court as Equaliser: An Asian Paradigm” in Patterns in Legal Education in Asia: From Imitation to Innovation (Brill: 2017), pp 125–156
  12. “Regulating Autonomous Vehicles: Liability Paradigms and Value Choices” in Gary Chan and Yip Man (eds), AI, Data and Private Law: Translating Theory into Practice (Hart: 2021), 147–172
  13. Family Procedure in Singapore (LexisNexis: 2018), 998 pp
  14. Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore: Evidence (LexisNexis: 2021)
  15. The Law of Evidence in Singapore, 3rd edition (Sweet & Maxwell: forthcoming in 2022), 900+ pp