Faculty Profile

KO, Yea Hee's photo

KO, Yea Hee

Full-time Faculty
Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB


2022 Ph.D. in Management and Human Resources
University of Wisconsin-Madison 

Current Appointment(s)

2024 - Now Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
2022 - 2024 Assistant Professor 
State University of New York, Binghamton, School of Management

Research Interests

  • Turnover
  • Employee mobility
  • Remote work practices
  • Strategic human resource management
  • Knowledge work

Selected Journal Articles (Refereed)

  • Ko, Y.H. & Baek, I.G (Forthcoming). The effect of computer monitoring on employees’ productivity in telecommuting arrangements. Management Science.