Faculty Profile

Nadja ALEXANDER's photo


Full-time Faculty

Lee Kong Chian Professor of Law; Director, Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA)

Yong Pung How School of Law YPHSL
  • Ph.D., Eberhard Karis University of Tübingen,1999

Primary Appointments

  • Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2022-Present
  • Director, Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA)

Concurrent Academic Appointments

  • Senior Fellow, Dispute Resolution Institute, Mitchell Hamline Law School, United States

Other Concurrent Appointments

  • Accredited mediator, SIMC, HKMAAL, Australian National Mediation Scheme
  • Director and Board Member, Singapore International Mediation Institute
  • Advisory Board member of IIAA, Indian International ADR Association

Previous Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Law (Practice), Singapore Management University, Jul 2017-Jun 2022
  • Visiting Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jan 2017-Jun 2017
  • Professor of Law and Director of the LLM (Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) Programme, City University Hong Kong: 2010-2011
  • Professor of Conflict Resolution and Law, Director of Conflict Resolution & Practice, former Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS), The University of Queensland (UQ) Australia: 2004-2009
  • Associate Professor of Law (previously Senior Lecturer and Lecturer), Director of the Dispute Management Centre at the TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland (UQ) Australia: 1994-2004

Courses Taught in SMU

  • Professional Mediation Skills 
  • International Mediation Law and Practice
  • Cross-border mediation: Professional Skills and Practice 

Research Areas / Areas of Specialisation

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • International Private Law of Mediation
  • International and Comparative Mediation Law and Practice
  • Cross-cultural Dispute Resolution
  • Mediation Advocacy
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Comparative Law

Selected Publications

Books (monographs and/or edited collections)

  • Nadja M. Alexander, Shouyu Chong and Vakhtang Giorgadze, The Singapore Convention on Mediation: A Commentary, 2nd edition, Wolters Kluwer, Alpen aan den Rijn (2022), 373 pages.
    SSRN link https://ssrn.com/abstract=4176959
  • Nadja M. Alexander, Iu Ting Kwok, Rimsky Yuen and Ada Chen, Hong Kong Mediation, (expanded, updated, re-titled and newly co-authored third edition), Lexis Nexis, Hong Kong (2022).
    SSRN link https://ssrn.com/abstract=4176956
  • Sarah R. Cole, Craig A. McEwen, Nancy H. Rogers, James R. Coben, Peter N. Thompson and Nadja M. Alexander, Mediation: Law, Policy & Practice, 2021-2022 Edition, Thomson Reuters, New York (2023), 
    SSRN link https://ssrn.com/abstract=3765141
  • Ulla Gläßer, Lin Adrian and Nadja Alexander (eds), mediation moves: concept. systems. people. (Berlin: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag 2022)
    SSRN link https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=4176951
  • Alexander, N  (with Boulle, L.), Mediation Skills and Techniques 3rd edition, Lexis Nexis, Sydney (2019). .
  • Alexander, N. (with Lee, J And Lum, K-W), Singapore Mediation Handbook, Lexis Nexis, Singapore (2019) .
  • Nadja Alexander, International and Comparative Mediation: Legal Perspectives (Kluwer Law International, 2009)

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Alexander, N. “Through the Looking Glass: Exploring the Regulatory-Ethical Ecosystem for Mediation” in Comparative Dispute Resolution (Maria Moscati, Michael Palmer & Marian Roberts eds) (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020) 172–189. .