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Faculty Profile

Rajendra K SRIVASTAVA's photo


Professor Emeritus
LKC Distinguished Chair Professor of Marketing Strategy; and International Business
Lee Kong Chian School of Business


1979 Ph.D. (Business Administration), University of Pittsburgh
1978 MBA, University of Pittsburgh
1974 MS (Industrial Engineering), University of Rhode Island
1972 B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur

Current Position(s) Held

2018 -  Now Professor Emeritus of Marketing
2015 - Now LKCSB Chair in Marketing Strategy and International Business, Singapore Management University
2009 - 2015 Provost and Deputy-President (Academic Affairs), Singapore Management University
2008 - 2009 Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Singapore Management University
2008 - Now Professor of Marketing, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
2003- 2010 Roberto C. Goizueta Chair in Marketing and e-Commerce
2004 - Now Executive & Founding Director, Emory Marketing Institute
2002 - Now ISBM Research Fellow, Smeal College of Business, Penn State
2000 - Now e-BRC Research Fellow, Smeal College of Business, Penn State
1983 - Now Research Fellow, IC-Sq. Institute, UT-Austin

Awards, Recognition and Honors

Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award for Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Volume 37, 2009) (May 2010)
AMA-Sheth Foundation Award for the Journal of Marketing article written in the previous five to ten years that is judged to contribute most to the marketing discipline (2006)
Mahajan Award for Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy by the American Marketing Association, Strategy SIG (2004)
Marketing Science Institute/Paul Root Award by the American Marketing Association for 1998 Journal of Marketing article judged to contribute most to the practice of marketing
Maynard Award by the American Marketing Association for 1998 Journal of Marketing article judged to contribute most to the development of theory in marketing
Alpha Kappa Psi Award, by the American Marketing Association for 1984 Journal of Marketing article judged to contribute most to the practice of marketing .
University of Texas CBA Foundation Award for Outstanding Research Contributions (ORC) (1993). The ORC award was made for career contributions to the field of marketing strategy .
University of Texas Research Excellence (RE) (2002). The RE award was made for research on a specific program – in this case, financial impact of marketing strategy on corporate financial performance.

Research Interests

Marketing Metrics
Brand Management
Customer Management
Marketing Strategy

Selected Journal Articles (Refereed)

  • Marketing Strategy and Wall Street: Nailing Down Marketing's Impact, Journal of Marketing , Special Issue on Marketing Strategy and Wall Street (2009), 73 (Dominique M. Hanssens and Roland T. Rust)
  • “Financial Value of Brands in Mergers and Acquisitions: Is Value in the Eye of the Beholder? Journal of Marketing, 72 (November 2008), 49-64 , (S. Cem Bahadir and Sundar Bharadwaj)
  • “Market-based Capabilities and Financial Performance of Firms: Insights Into Marketing's Contribution to Firm Value,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , (September 2008) (Sridhar Ramaswami and Mukesh Bhargava ) (Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award)
  • Linking Brand Equity to Customer Equity (2006), Journal of Service Marketing , Vol 9, Number 2, November 2006, 125-38. (With Leone, Robert P. , Vithala R. Rao, Kevin Lane Keller, Anita Man Luo, Leigh McAlister)
  • “Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions,” Journal of Marketing 68, 4, (October 2004), 76-89
  • “The Integrated Networks Model: Explaining Resource Allocations in Networked Business Markets,” Journal of Marketing , 67, 1 (January 2003), 29-45
  • “Linking Customer Assets to Financial Performance,” Journal of Services Research 5, 1 (August 2002), 26-38
  • “Resource-Based View and Marketing” Journal of Management , 27, 777-802, (Special Issue on Resource-Based View Retrospectives, 2001)
  • “Marketing, Business Processes and Shareholder Value: An Organizationally Embedded View of Marketing Activities and the Discipline of Marketing,” Journal of Marketing , 63 (Special Issue 1999), 168-179
  • "A Simultaneous Model for Innovative Product Category Sales Diffusion and Competitive Dynamics," International Journal for Research in Marketing , 16, 95-111
  • “Marketing Orientation and Organizational Performance: Is Innovation a Missing Link?” Journal of Marketing , 62 (October 1998), 30-45
  • “Market-Based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis,” Journal of Marketing , 62 (January 1998), 1-14 ( MSI /Paul Root , Maynard and AMA-Sheth Foundation Awards)

Research Areas and Areas of Expertise