Faculty Profile

Warren B. CHIK's photo

Warren B. CHIK

Full-time Faculty
Associate Professor of Law
Yong Pung How School of Law YPHSL
  • LL.M. (International Business Law), University College London (Merit), 2004
  • LL.M. (International & Comparative Law), Tulane University (Distinction), 2001
  • LL.B., National University of Singapore (Second Upper Honours), 1996
  • Advocate and Solicitor (Singapore), 2000
  • Attorney and Counselor-at-law (New York), 2002
  • Solicitor (England & Wales), 2002

Academic Position Held

Current Appointments:

  • Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, 2013-current

Previous Appointments:

  • Deputy Director, Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Governance, 2019-Jun 2024

  • Associate Dean (External Relations), School of Law, Singapore Management University, 2013-Jun 2017

  • Assistant Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, 2005-2012

Other Positions

  • Program Committee Member, Technology Law Conference (Singapore) (2014-)
  • Advisory Board Member, Data Protection Academy (2014-16)
  • Committee Member, Themis Law Network (2013-14)
  • Member of the Advisory Panel, Australian Research Council funded project on Digital Jurisdiction (2012-)
  • Program Committee Member, International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society CYBERLAWS (2010-)
  • Country Representative & Regular Session Chair, IAITL Legal Conference Series consisting of the LSPI, ILTC, IPL & IPLC Law Conferences (2009-)

Honors & Awards

  • British FCO (Chevening) Scholarship, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom, 2003
  • International Law Commission Scholarship, International Law Commission, United Nations, Genève, Switzerland, 1999
  • Certificate of Distinction in International Commercial Arbitration, World Arbitration and Mediation Report, Juris Publishing, Inc. & Tulane Law School, 2000
  • CALI Excellence for the Future Award in International Commercial Arbitration, National CALI Institute & Tulane Law School, 2000
  • CALI Excellence for the Future Award in Transnational Commercial Litigation, National CALI Institute & Tulane Law School, 2000

Courses Taught in SMU

  • Business Law
  • Entertainment Law
  • Information Technology and the Law

Research Areas / Areas of Specialisation

  • Data Protection Law
  • Information Technology and the Law
  • Intellectual Property Law

Current Projects

  • Researching and writing treatises and journal articles on Information Technology Law generally and its intersection with copyright law and data protection regulations in particular. 

Selected Publications

  • 'Information and Communications Technology and Singapore Law', 2020, Academy Publishing, as co-author
  • 'The Data Economy: Implications from Singapore', 2018, Routledge.
  • 'The Do Not Call Registry in Data Protection Law in Singapore: Privacy and Sovereignty in an Interconnected World'  2018 2ed., Academy Publishing.
  • 'Whither the Future of Internet Streaming and Time-Shifting? Revisiting the Rights of Reproduction and Communication to the Public in Copyright Law After Aereo', 2015 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 2015 Vol. 23 Iss. 1, p. 53 (with Saw Cheng Lim).
  • 'The Meaning and Scope of Personal Data Under the Singapore Data Protection Act', Singapore Academy of Law Journal 2014 26 SAcLJ 354 (with Pang Keep Ying).
  • 'The Singapore Personal Data Protection Bill and an Assessment of Future Trends in Data Privacy Reform', Computer Law & Security Review 2013 Vol. 29 Iss. 5, p.554-575.
  • 'Authorisation of Copyright Infringement in Singapore', Singapore Academy of Law Journal: Special Issue on IP Law 2012 Vol. 24 SacLJ p.698-744 (with Saw Cheng Lim).
  • 'Opportunity Lost? Revisiting RecordTV v MediaCorp TV', Singapore Academy of Law Journal 2012 Vol. 24, p.16-59 (with Saw Cheng Lim).