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Faculty Profile

ZHAO Yibao's photo

ZHAO Yibao

Full-time Faculty
Senior Lecturer of Quantitative Finance
Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB




Ph.D in Computational Science 
National University of Singapore


M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics 
National University of Singapore


B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics 
Peking University




Current Position(s) Held



Jul 2014 - Now Senior Lecturer of Quantitative Finance 
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

2006 - Jul 2014

Lecturer of Quantitative Finance 
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University


Research Interests


  • Numerical Methods




Selected Journal Articles (Refereed)





"Comparison of discrete singular convolution and generalised differential quadrature for the vibration analysis of rectangular plates", by CHW NG, Yibao ZHAO, and GW WEI, 2004 , 193(23-26) , Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2483-2506


"A note on the numerical solution of high-order differential equations", by Y. WANG, Yibao ZHAO, and GW WEI, 2003 , 159(2) , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 387-398


"Parameter optimization in the regularized Shannon's Kernels of higher-order discrete singular convolutions", by W. XIONG, Yibao ZHAO, and Y. GU, 05/2003 , 19(5) , Communications in Numerical Methods for Engineering, 377-386


"Discrete singular convolution and its application to the analysis of plates with internal supports", by Y. XIANG, Yibao ZHAO, and GW WEI, 11/2002 , 55(8) , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 947-971


"Discrete singular convolution and its application to the analysis of plates with internal supports. Part 1: Theory and algorithm", by GW WEI, Yibao ZHAO, and Y. XIANG, 11/2002 , 55(8) , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 913-946


"A novel approach for the analysis of high frequency vibrations", by GW WEI, Yibao ZHAO, and Y. XIANG, 10/2002 , 257(2) , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 207-246


"DSC analysis of rectangular plates with non-uniform boundary conditions", by Yibao ZHAO and GW WEI, 08/2002 , 255(2) , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 203-225


"Levy solutions for vibration of multi-span rectangular plates", by Y. XIANG, Yibao ZHAO, and GW WEI, 06/2002 , 44(6) , International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1195-1218


"Plate vibration under irregular internal supports", by Yibao ZHAO, GW WEI, and Y. XIANG, 03/2002 , 39(5) , International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1361-1383


"Discrete singular convolution for the prediction of high frequency vibration of plates", by Yibao ZHAO, GW WEI, and Y. XIANG, 01/2002 , 39(1) , International Journal of Solids and Structures, 65-88