Faculty Profile

HU Jianfeng's photo

HU Jianfeng

Full-time Faculty
Associate Professor of Finance; Area Coordinator, Finance
Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB



2013 Ph.D.Finance, Baruch College, CUNY

Current Position(s) Held

2021 - Now Associate Professor of Finance
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
2013 - 2021 Assistant Professor of Finance
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Selected Publications

  • “Does option trading convey stock price information?" 2014. Journal of Financial Economics, 111, 625-645.
  • “Can information be locked-up? Informed trading ahead of macro-news announcements," with Gennaro Bernile and Yuehua Tang, 2016. Journal of Financial Economics, 121, 496-520
  • “Option listing and information asymmetry," 2018, Review of Finance, 22, 1153-1194.
  • “Order flow volatility and cost of equity capital," with Tarun Chordia, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, and Qing Tong, 2019, Management Science, 65, 1520-1551.
  • "Who profits from trading options", with Antonia Kirilova, Gilbert Park, and Doojin Ryu, 2023, Management Science, forthcoming.
  • "Information spillover and corporate policies: The case of listed options," with Gennaro Bernile, Guangzhong Li, and Roni Michaely, 2023, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.

Awards, Recognition and Honors

  • Lee Kong Chian Fellowship, 2016 - 2017
  • Best Paper Award, 2015 Conference of the Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality.
  • Best Paper Award, 2014 International Conference on Corporate Finance and Capital Market.
  • The First Place Award, Chicago Quant Alliance Asia Academic Competition, 2014.
  • Oscar Lasdon Memorial Award for the best dissertation in finance, Baruch College, 2013
  • Best Doctoral Paper Award Northeast Business and Economics Association, 2010.
  • European Finance Association Doctoral Tutorial, 2012 (8 out of 155 papers).
  • American Finance Association Travel Grant, 2011.
  • Financial Management Association Doctoral Consortium, 2011.
  • 2016 Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Academic Research Fund, main PI, “Estimating order flow using low freuency data", S$39,978.74.
  • 2016 Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Academic Research Fund, co-PI, “The value (or cost) of fiduciary duties: Evidence from en block sales in Singapore", S$32,422.
  • 2016 Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Academic Research Fund, co-PI, “Order flow volatility and cost of equity capital", S$16,813.
  • 2013 Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Academic Research Fund, main PI, “Law of one price revisited: Synthetic security and cash security", S$20,630.
  • 2013 Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Academic Research Fund, co-PI, “Can information be locked up? A natural experiment of the effect of macro-news embargos on capital markets. ", S$34,185.
  • CUNY Presidential Research Grant, 2011.
  • CUNY Doctoral Student Research Grant, 2010, 2012.
  • Research Assistant Scholarship, Baruch College, CUNY, 2008-2012.