Faculty Profile

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Aidan WONG

Full-time Faculty
Assistant Professor of Urban Studies (Education); Deputy Director, Wee Kim Wee Centre; Basket Coordinator for Cultures of the Modern World; Urban Fellow, SMU Urban Institute
College of Integrative Studies CIS

Aidan M Wong is Assistant Professor of Urban Studies (Education), College of Integrative Studies, and Urban Fellow, SMU Urban Institute, Singapore Management University. Trained as an economic geographer, Aidan’s teaching interests span urban cultures, Singapore studies, and food cultures. His research interests are diverse and include urban waste management, circular economy and environmental citizenship; urban heritage and active citizenship; and labour geographies, particularly the informal economy, the gig economy, and youth entrepreneurship.


  • PhD, Queen Mary University of London, 2014
  • MSc (Geography), National University of Singapore, 2010
  • BSc, National University of Singapore, 2008

Research Interests

  • Singapore Studies
  • Urban Liveability
  • Labour Geographies
  • Active Citizenship
  • Urban Waste Management

Course(s) Taught in SMU

  • Big Questions
  • Urban Cultures
  • Singapore: Imagining the Next 50 Years
  • Food Cultures
  • Refocusing Wealth and Poverty