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Faculty Profile

CHEN Xia's photo


Full-time Faculty
Lee Kong Chian Professor of Accounting; Director, SMU-ZJU Doctor of Business Administration (Accounting & Finance) Program; Recruiting Co-ordinator
School of Accountancy SOA

Dr Chen Xia joined SMU in 2011. She has previously taught at the University of British Columbia (Canada) and University of Wisconsin-Madison (US). She got her Ph.D. and MBA from University of Chicago (US) and M.A. and B.S. from Tsinghua University (China). Her research interests include institutional investors, financial analysts, family firms, and earnings restatements. She has published in Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, and other journals. Her teaching interests include financial reporting and financial accounting theory.


PhD in Accounting, University of Chicago, US
MBA, University of Chicago, US
M.A. in Accounting, Tsinghua University, China
B.S. in Management Information System, Tsinghua University, China

Research Interests

Financial analysts
Institutional investors
Family firms
Earnings restatements

Teaching Interests

Financial Reporting
Financial Accounting Theory
Empirical Accounting Research Seminar

Selected Recognition and Awards

Charles Horngren Fellowship, 2002 – 2003
Deloitte & Touche Doctoral Fellowship, 2001 – 2002
American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium, 2001
Big Ten+ Doctoral Consortium, 2000
University of Chicago Summer Research Award, 1999

Selected Appointments and Services

Editorial board, European Accounting Review

Ad hoc Reviewer for Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, Abacus, Advances in Accounting, Journal of Empirical Finance, other journals, Financial Accounting and Reporting Section mid-year conferences, AAA annual meetings, CAAA annual meetings, CAPANA conferences, Hong Kong Research Grant Bureau, and SSHRC standard research grant (Canada).

Research/Co-Research Advisor To

DONG Yueying, SMU-ZJU DBA(A&F), (
JIANG Xionghong, SMU-ZJU DBA(A&F),(
GE Wenzhi, SMU-ZJU DBA(A&F), (
PENG Xuefan, PhD in Accounting, (
TIAN Yajing, PhD in Accounting, (

Selected Publications

“Family Ownership and CEO Turnovers,” with Qiang Cheng and Zhonglan Dai, Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming.

“On the Relationship between Analyst Reports and Corporate Disclosures: Exploring the Roles of Information Discovery and Interpretation,” April 2010, with Qiang Cheng and Kin Lo, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 49 (3): 206-226.

“Are Family Firms More Tax Aggressive than Non-family Firms?” January 2010, with Shuping Chen, Qiang Cheng and Terry Shevlin, Journal of Financial Economics 95: 41-61.

“Do Family Firms Provide More or Less Voluntary Disclosure?” June 2008, with Shuping Chen and Qiang Cheng, Journal of Accounting Research 46 (3): 499-536.

“Monitoring: Which Institutions Matter?” November 2007 (lead article), with Kai Li and Jarrad Harford, Journal of Financial Economics 86 (2): 279-305.


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