KIM Junghan
Education |
2017 |
Ph.D. in Marketing |
2010 |
M.S. in Marketing |
2007 | B.S. in Business Administration Hongik University |
Current Position(s) Held |
2017 - Now |
Assistant Professor of Marketing |
Awards, Recognition and Honors |
Research Interests |
Selected Journal Articles (Refereed) |
Kang, Seo Yoon, Junghan Kim, and Arun Lakshmanan, “Anatomical Depiction: How Showing a Product’s Inner Structure Shapes Product Valuations,” Journal of Marketing, forthcoming. |
Kim, Junghan and Arun Lakshmanan (2021), “Do Animated Line Graphs Increase Risk Inferences?” Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (3), 595–613. |
Ghosh, Dipanjan, Andrew Olewnik, Kemper Lewis, Junghan Kim, and Arun Lakshaman (2017), “Cyber-Empathic Design: A Data-Driven Framework for Product Design,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 139 (9), 1–12. |
Kim, Junghan and Arun Lakshmanan (2015), “How Kinetic Property Shapes Novelty Perceptions,” Journal of Marketing, 79 (6), 94–111. |