Faculty Profile

Yangfang (Helen) Zhou's photo

Yangfang (Helen) Zhou

Full-time Faculty

Associate Professor of Operations Management; Urban Fellow, SMU Urban Institute; MPA Research Fellow

Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB



Ph.D., Operations Management, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University.


Master in Industrial Administration, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University.

2007 Master in Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University

Current Position(s) Held

2022 - Now

Associate Professor of Operations Management
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

2013 - 2021

Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Awards, Recognition and Honors 

  • Best Publication Award in Environment and Sustainability in the INFORMS Section on ENRE (Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment), 2023
  • Runner-up award for Harvey Greenberg Research Award, INFORMS Computing Society, 2023
  • Urban Fellow, Singapore Management University, 2023-2024
  • Finalist for 2023 Best OM paper award in M&SOM
  • Lee Kong Chian Fellowship, 2022 - 2023
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2021 - 2022 
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2020 - 2021 
  • 2020 Best Publication Award in Environment-Sustainability in the INFORMS Section of ENRE (Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment) 
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2019 - 2020 
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2018 - 2019 
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2017 - 2018 
  • Nominee for The Most Promising Teacher Award, Singapore Management University, 2016 
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2015 - 2016 
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business Dean's Teaching Honor List, 2014 - 2015 
  • Best Research Presentation by a Junior Faculty or a Doctoral Student, Workshop on Analytics for Business, Consumer and Social Insights (BCSI), 2015 
  • Honourable Mention of The 2014 CSAMSE Annual Conference Best Paper Award, 2014
  • William Larimer Mellon Fellowship, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Septermber 2007 - August 2010
  • The second prize of Yellow Roadway Corporation Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 2006 - 2006
  • The second prize of undergraduate thesis of Hubei Province, 2005 - 2005
  • The first prize of undergraduate thesis, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2005 - 2005
  • Excellent Graduate Award, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2005 - 2005
  • The Model Student Award, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (20 out of 50,000 students), 2004 - 2004

Research Interests 

  • Domain (sustainability)
    • Renewable energy and energy storage operations
    • Electrical vehicle adoption and operations
    • Agriculture operations
    • Food waste and food loss
  • Methods:
    • Stochastic dynamic programming
    • Financial engineering price modelling
    • Mechanism design
    • Exponential cone programming

Selected Journal Articles (Refereed) 

  • "Electricity Trading and Negative Prices: Storage vs. Disposal", by Yangfang ZHOU, Alan SCHELLER-WOLF, Nicola SECOMANDI, and Stephen SMITH, 2016. Management Science 62(3):880-898
    - Former title used: "Is it more Valuable to Store or Destroy Electricity Surpluses?" and "Merchant Management of Electricity Surpluses: Storage vs. Disposal"
    - Honorable Mention of the 2014 CSAMSE Annual Conference Best Paper Award