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Faculty Profile

CHENG Qiang's photo


Full-time Faculty
Dean, School of Accountancy; Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Accounting
School of Accountancy SOA

Dr. Cheng Qiang is Dean and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Accounting at School of Accountancy at the Singapore Management University.  He joined Singapore Management University in 2011 as the Associate Dean (Research) at School of Accountancy.  Dr. Cheng graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing and received his PhD in the University of Wisconsin-Madison, US in 2002.  He has previously taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Washington. 

An award-winning researcher and teacher, Dr. Cheng has published over thirty articles in leading scholarly accounting and finance journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Financial Economics.  He conducts research on various financial reporting and disclosure issues, including how corporate governance and family ownership affect corporate decisions, how investors use accounting information for valuation purposes, how executives affect financial reporting and disclosure decisions for their self-interests, and
how security analysts help disseminate information in the capital markets. His current research focuses on the impact of digitalization on corporate decisions and ESG-related disclosure issues.

Dr. Cheng previously served as an editor of The Accounting Review and a Council Member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA). He currently serves on the Research Committee of the American Accounting Association (AAA).  He served as the president of the Chinese Accounting Professors' Association of North America from 2009 to 2010.


PhD in Accounting, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
MS in Accounting, Tsinghua University, Beijing
BS in Business Administration, Tsinghua University, Beijing
BE in Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Research Interests

Voluntary Disclosure
Earnings Management/Restatement
Family Ownership
Corporate Governance
Equity Valuation
Analysts’ Forecasts and Recommendations

Teaching Interests

Accounting Theory
Financial Accounting
Financial Statement Analysis
PhD Research Seminar

Selected Recognition and Awards

Most Outstanding Faculty Award (Teaching), School of Accountancy, SMU, 2014
Most Outstanding Faculty Award (Research), School of Accountancy, SMU, 2013
Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship for Research Excellence, Singapore Management University, 2013

Selected Appointments and Services

Dean, School of Accountancy, SMU, 2015-present
Associate Dean (Research), School of Accountancy, SMU, 2011-2015
President’s Tenure and Advisory Committee (PTAC), SMU, 2013-2015
American Accounting Association (AAA) Research Committee, 2012-present
Executive officer, Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America, 2007-present

Research/Co-Research Advisor to

YAN Hua, CKGSB-SMU DBA (hua.yan.2016 [at]
HAN Zhiyong, SMU-ZJU DBA(A&F) (
LI Weiwei, SMU-ZJU DBA(A&F) (
ZHAO Yue, PhD in Accounting (

Selected Publications

Cheng, Q., T. Luo, and H. Yue, "Managerial Incentives and Management Forecast Precision", forthcoming at The Accounting Review, September 2013

Chen, S., X. Chen, Q. Cheng, and T. Shevlin, "Are Family Firms More Tax Aggressive than Non-Family Firms?", Journal of Financial Economics 95 (1): 41-61, 2010

Chen, S., X. Chen, and Q. Cheng ,"Do Family Firms Provide More or Less Voluntary Disclose?", Journal of Accounting Research 46 (3): 499-536, 2008

Cheng, Q., and K. Lo, "Insider Trading and Voluntary Disclosures", Journal of Accounting Research 44 (4): 815-848, 2006

Cheng, Q., and T. Warfield, "Equity Incentives and Earnings Management", The Accounting Review 80 (2): 441-476, 2005


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