Faculty Profile

FENG Guiyun's photo

FENG Guiyun

Full-time Faculty
Assistant Professor of Operations Management; Urban Fellow, SMU Urban Institute
Lee Kong Chian School of Business LKCSB



Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


Ph.D. in Management Science
City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

2010 B.S. in Physics
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

Current Appointment

Jan 2019 - Now

Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Awards, Recognition and Honors

  • Urban Fellow within the "Urban Growth" pillar, SMU, 2023
  • SMU Most Promising Teacher Award Nomination, 2022
  • Ministry of Education (MOE) Tier 1 Grant, 2022
  • LKCSB Dean's Teaching Honour List, 2021 & 2022
  • The CSAMSE Annual Conference Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention, 2017
  • Sponsorship from Amazon.com Inc for Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 2017
  • Scholarship for Study Abroad Program, City University of Hong Kong, 2014

Research Interests

  • Digital Economy
  • Smart Transportation
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Project Portfolio Management

Papers under Review

Selected Journal Articles (Refereed)

  • We Are on the Way: Analysis of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Systems (with Guangwen Kong and Zizhuo Wang). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020
  • On the substitutability and complementarity of choice models (with Xiaobo Li and Zizhuo Wang). Operations Research Letters, 46(1): 141-146, 2018.
  • On the relationship between several discrete choice models (with Xiaobo Li and Zizhuo Wang). Operations Research, 65(6): 1516-1525, 2017.

Selected Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters (Refereed)

  • Analysis of on-demand ride hailing systems ( with Guangwen Kong and Zizhuo Wang). Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, Ming Hu (Ed.), in Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, Christopher Tang (Series Ed.), 2018.
  • A Nonparametric method for pricing and hedging American options (with Guangwu Liu, Lihua Sun). Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, 691-700, 2013.