Ph.D. in Management Science University of British Columbia
B.Sc. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Current Position(s) Held
2023 - Now
Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
Awards, Recognition and Honors
Shelby Brumelle Memorial Graduate Scholarship, University of British Columbia, 2020, 2021
President's Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award, University of British Columbia, 2020, 2021
Finalist, INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize, 2018
Research Interests
Data-driven decision making
Bayesian learning
Dynamic Pricing
Inventory management
Selected Journal Articles (Refereed)
Meichun Lin, Woonghee T. Huh, Harish Krishnan, and Joline Uichanco (2022). Data-Driven Newsvendor Problem: Performance of the Sample Average Approximation. Operations Research, 70(4): 1996-2012.
Woonghee T. Huh, Michael J. Kim, and Meichun Lin (2022). Bayesian Dithering for Learning: Asymptotically Optimal Policies in Dynamic Pricing. Production and Operations Management, 31(9): 3576-3593.
Meichun Lin, Woonghee T. Huh, and GuohuaWan (2021). Multi-Period Lot-Sizing with Supplier Selection: Structural Results, Complexity and Algorithm. Operations Research Letters, 49(4): 602-609.